About Wenzhou International Christian Fellowship

WzICF is a non-denominational place of worship that is dedicated to serving the spiritual needs of international students from all around the world. We understand that being far from home can be challenging, and we strive to provide a welcoming and inclusive community where students can worship, connect with others, and grow in their faith. Located conveniently close to the school campus, WzICF offers a variety of services and activities designed specifically for students, including Bible studies, prayer meetings, and social events. We believe in the power of diversity and the importance of unity, and we welcome students from all cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds to join us in worship and fellowship


The name of this organization is Wenzhou International Christian Fellowship, formally known as Wenzhou Medical College Christian Fellowship. The organization acronym is WzICF.


To create an opportunity for foreign Christians to come together and fellowship.


The purpose of WzICF is to worship as a family and to encourage one another to grow spiritually with the help of The Holy Spirit.


  • Worship(Celebrating): “To love God with all your heart” Matthew 22:36-37.
  • Evangelism(Cultivating): “Go and make disciples” Matthew 28:18-19.
  • Discipleship(Communicating): “Teach them to observe” Matthew 28:20.
  • Ministry(Caring): “Love your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22:39-40.